What is Optimal Maternal Positioning?

What is Optimal Maternal Positioning?

A Revolutionary program with proven physical techniques. OMP is an equally important concept which has a direct impact on optimal foetal positioning. Creating a smooth path for the baby to navigate through the pelvis during labour and birth depends on the ability for the baby to work through the cardinal movements during the processes of descent and dilation. And because of this perspective, the teamwork between the mother and her baby will give her the best chance of a swifter easier delivery.

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Planning a VBAC in Australia

Planning a VBAC in Australia

In Australia there are on average over 46 thousand women a year having their first birth via caesarean section. Once a woman has a caesarean, she has a choice between planning a repeat elective caesarean or planning a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) for her next birth.

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